Do I need to be in the US to join Adonis Fitness Coaching?Nope. I had clients from over a different states and different countries, including the U.K, South Africa, Germany, China, Australia, and Canada. I will love to have you, no matter where you’re from.
How often will I hear from or interact with my coach?Having successfully worked with hundreds of people, I developed a system that gets my clients incredible results. Everyday you will have a Daily Check-in period to ask questions, get feedback, tell me about upcoming challenges you’re anticipating, and ask for any modifications you need. Also you will have Weekly Weigh-ins every Monday.
What's different about Adonis Fitness Coaching?Most online coaching services (and most fitness experts) use generic exercise and diet templates. That means the same program for everyone—regardless of age, experience, or goals. But at Adonis Fitness Online Coaching everything from the nutrition plan to the exercise program is customized to my clients’ schedule, lifestyle, and personal preferences. That level of personalization is why I only take a limited number of clients every year.
How long does it take to get my program after I join?Because every single client program is built from scratch, it can take a few days to have everything done and loaded. My goal is to have all new client programs built, loaded, and reviewed within 1-2 days from enrollment. Sometimes, a new client has highly specific needs or conditions and that may take up to 2-4 days to nail down, especially with complex nutrition issues.
Can I cancel anytime?Please Read: This is not a month to month commitment plan, so you can cancel any time. Clients have the option to use the knowledge that they learn from that month and they can choose to cancel if they want to do it on their own.
What if I don’t have or want a gym membership?No problem! One of the outstanding benefits of working with Adonis Fitness is my adaptability to your resources and lifestyle. I work with individuals that travel, have tight schedules or simply do not want to or can’t get to a fitness gym center. While gym memberships are very helpful in adding more to your program by way of providing a wide range of equipment options, it is not necessary to see a degree of fitness success. Each program is based on what you have available. For clients with home gyms, I will build the program with all of your equipment in mind. I do encourage clients to make modest investments in resistance bands, stability balls or other equipment that will add benefits to you reaching your potential goal.
How long does Adonis Fitness Coaching last?In order to get the best results possible, I have a 8 Week minimum commitment. Remember, we’re playing the long-game here. After you complete the 8 Week program, I continue to coach you for as long as you want for 50% off. My clients come to enjoy having someone they trust to write their nutrition and exercise programs, some of my clients stay on for a full year—with many of them sticking around for two.
When can I expect to see results?When you will see results is completely personal. It depends on your goals, your current lifestyle, and how much work we need to do together. I am invested in your success and want to help you over both the short and the long run. That means results that last. If you follow your my suggestions to the best of your ability, you WILL get results with Adonis Fitness Coaching. We guarantee it.
What's the time commitment?Because your nutrition and exercise program are customized for you and your lifestyle, the time commitment is totally dependent on your goals and schedule. If you want to exercise four days a week, I will make a plan for you. If you can only exercise once per week, I will make a realistic plan for you. Coaching is an ongoing process and it adapts with your life. Once you’re in Adonis Fitness Coaching, you will work directly with me to get the best plan for your body and your schedule.
What if I'm a beginner?I love beginners! My goal is to help you become 100% confident with exercise and nutrition without needing to think about it all the time. No matter your goal, I will guide you every step of the way and make sure you’re always following the right plan for your body.
What if I'm more advanced?I worked with a lot of intermediate and advanced clients, too. Some of them come to me with years of experience, but are tired of doing the same routine. Other people “know what to do” when it comes to exercise and nutrition—but they struggle to do it consistently. I will help you get back on track, get better results, and teach you some new things along the way.
How customized is Adonis Fitness Meal Plan and Fitness Plan?Let me put it this way: If you only want to eat a plant-based diet, I help you do that. If you want to eat Paleo, that’s what I will give you. If you don’t know what you want to eat, I will work with you to decide which plan is right for you—and then give you everything you need to be successful. If you have a big event coming up, I will help you get prepared. If you go on vacation, I will write you a hotel-room workout (or maybe even suggest you take the week off and enjoy yourself). If you want to lose weight the first few months and then add muscle the next few months, I will help you do that. You tell me what you want to do, and I will help you do it. In other words: It’s very customized.
Client Requirements
You must own a food scale that weighs in grams and ounces
You must own a Digital Body Weight Scale
Measuring Cup
Payment Method For Clients
Chase Quickpay Payment Method:
Zelle Payment Method:
Cash App Payment Method:
Name: $AdonisFitness
All Major Credit Cards Accepted (Via Email)
(Visa, Master Card, Amex Card, Discover)
Legal Disclaimer
This website’s content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. None of the meal plans or exercise program's should be performed or otherwise used without clearance from your physician or health care provider first. The information contained within is not intended to provide specific physical or mental health advice, or any other advice whatsoever, for any individual or company and should not be relied upon in that regard. I am not medical professionals and nothing on this website should be misconstrued to mean otherwise.
There may be risks associated with participating in activities mentioned on our site for people in poor health or with pre-existing physical or mental health conditions. Because these risks exist, you will not participate in any meal plan's available from me. If you are in poor health or have a pre-existing mental or physical condition. If you choose to participate in these risks, you do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks associated with such dietary activities. These risks may also exist for those who are currently in good health right now.
As with any exercise program you assume certain risks to your health and safety. Any form of exercise program can cause injuries, and our programs are no exception. It is possible that you may become injured doing the exercises in your program, especially if they are done with poor form. Although thorough instruction is included on form for each exercise.
Be aware that my programs (like any other exercise program) do involve a risk of injury. If you choose to participate in these risks, you do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks associated with such exercise activities. These risks may also exist for those who are currently in good health right now.
I am not a medical practitioners. My advice whether it be on our website, in our meal plan's, exercise program's or via email coaching, none of it is meant as a substitute for medical advice. You must consult your doctor before beginning ANY meal plan or exercise program, no exceptions. You are using my plans, program's, workout's and coaching at your own risk and we are not responsible for any injuries or health problems you may experience or even death as a result of using our programs.
It is to be made clear that I am not responsible for any injuries or health problems you may experience or even death as a result of using any of our products or services.
Although my program and service are intended to be fully implemented, sometimes they are not, which could result in a lack of progress/results for the user. If you implement the program and service from me correctly you should see amazing results, however it must be disclaimed that even when consumers implement any products or services in full from us it is still possible they will not get the results they may have expected and it is also possible they will not lose fat or gain muscle or achieve any positive results of any kind.
All the transformations and testimonials are real. However, it must be disclaimed that these testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results with our meal plan's and workout program's. They are meant as a showcase of what the most motivated and dedicated people can achieve by following our personalised meal plan's and workout program's. Your results may vary and you may not get the same results compared to someone else when using my services due to differences in your individual exercise history, genetics, and personal motivation/dedication. The end results you get will depend upon the individual and how much effort you put in.
Do you have questions about? Send me an email!